BreadCrumbs: Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Adobe LiveCycle Designer

From Luke Jackson

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Revision as of 22:57, 20 February 2007 (edit)
Ljackson (Talk | contribs)
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Current revision (23:05, 20 February 2007) (edit)
Ljackson (Talk | contribs)
Line 16: Line 16: = Num2Date((Date() + 5), "MMM DD, YYYY") = Num2Date((Date() + 5), "MMM DD, YYYY")
 +Set the fill color of a text field to black.
 + xfa.form.form1.newWorkstationForm.user.employee.fillColor = "0,0,0"
[[Category:Windows XP]] [[Category:Windows XP]]
[[Category:Mac OS X]] [[Category:Mac OS X]]

Current revision


Included with Adobe Acrobat 8 is designed to make the creation of dynamic forms simple.


Internal scripting language used to manipulate data within the PDF.


Set a date object to the current date when a user opens the PDF file. = Num2Date(Date(), "MMM DD, YYYY")

Set a date object to a specific date when a user opens the PDF file. = Num2Date((Date() + 5), "MMM DD, YYYY")

Set the fill color of a text field to black.

xfa.form.form1.newWorkstationForm.user.employee.fillColor = "0,0,0"