BreadCrumbs: CorelDraw


From Luke Jackson

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End Sub End Sub
</pre> </pre>
=== Create Text === === Create Text ===

Revision as of 00:30, 27 December 2007


Open .EPS Files with CorelDraw11

For some reason there is a bug in CorelDraw11 which prohibits it from opening .EPS files. Instead in inserts a gray box representing the bounding box of the image with the file information. I have found a workaround for this issue and it is explained below.

Import PostScript Settings
Import PostScript Settings
  • Open CorelDraw11 and create a blank document.
  • From the Tools sub-menu of the menu bar select Customization.
  • You should now see the Options window appear. On the left side of this window there is a tree at the bottom of the tree is the Global element, Click on it and expand it.
  • Click on Filters and on the right of the options window should appear the Filters file association options.
  • What we want to do is tell Corel to use a different filter than the traditional EPS filter to open EPS files. So on the far right you should see a list box with all of the currently configured filters and their associated files. Locate EPS - Encapsulated PostScript and click on it once to highlight it. Now it gets a tad complex because we still want to be able to export .EPS files but we don't want to use the .EPS filter to import them. So what we need to do is give it less of a priority than the PostScript filter. We can do this by using the Move Down button to move it below the PS, PRN, EPS - PostScript filter.
  • Once this is completed EPS files will fall back onto the PostScript filter. This is OK because an EPS is still PostScript at the core and we will only have to ensure some simple options for the filter at time of open. Click OK to save your changes and close the Options window.
  • Close the existing blank document and locate a valid .EPS we can use to test.
  • There are some more bugs / anomalies with CorelDraw11 when it comes to file names. So the only way I am able to have it keep my file name is by dragging the desired file(s) into the CorelDraw workspace. (Please ensure no documents are open as it will then insert the files into the open document rather than creating a temp document with the file name for each file)
  • Once a file is dropped onto the workspace you will be prompted with the Import PostScript dialog box. Simply configure the following settings:
    • VM Size: 8.0 MB
    • Import text as Curves
    • Report PostScript errors
  • Click OK to dismiss the box and open the .EPS file. You should now see curves and be able to manipulate the vector graphic.

I should mention that I have seen instances where files open blank, but I had not found any file which did not open to be a properly formated EPS file. I usually use an application like Adobe Illustrator to confirm that the file is not corrupted. I.E. no bitmap images, mesh objects, redundant paths. Once I verify this I re-export it as an .EPS and then in order for CorelDraw11 to open the file it needs to be converted by Goverts GoBatchGS. This has been successful everytime. Hope this is of help to someone.


Why won't my curves weld properly after I converted them from outlines?

CorelDraw 11 has a bug in the Convert Outline to Object tool where it is unable to convert outlines which are not a whole number in width. This bug was encountered in a file exported from Freehand 10. It is not always reproducible but an easy fix is reduce the outline to a whole number.



To install a macro in Corel Applications please follow these steps:

  • Copy your desired macro files so we are able to paste them into the correct location.

Note: All Corel macro files should have an extension of .gms

  • Browse to the GMS folder:
    • Under windows the path should be as follows:
C:\Program Files\Corel\<Corel App Folder>\Draw\GMS\
  • Paste the files you copied in the first step into the GMS folder and close all windows\Applications.
  • Launch the Corel application and create a new blank document.
  • From the Tools menu choose Customization
  • From the left menu tree choose Commands and then from the drop down box on the right choose Macros.
  • Select the desired macros from the list and do one or more of the following:
    • Click and drag the macro onto any toolbar.
    • Click on the Shortcut Keys and assign a memorable key command.
  • Click OK to apply the changes and enjoy your macroing!


Create Measurement Shapes

Sub Measure()
    ActivePage.CreateLayer "Measure"
    ' Create Negative Space Ruler
    Dim n_space As Shape
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    Set n_space = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(0, 1, 1, 0)
    n_space.Outline.Type = cdrNoOutline
    n_space.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 0, 100, 100, 0
    ' Create Positive Space Ruler
    Dim p_space As Shape
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    Set p_space = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(1, 1.5, 2.5, 0)
    p_space.Outline.Type = cdrNoOutline
    p_space.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 100, 0, 0, 0
End Sub
Sub KillMeasure()
End Sub

Convert Outlines to Objects

Locates all shapes with outlines and converts them to objects. Then deletes the leftover null shapes.

Sub CvertOutlines()
    Dim sh As Shape, shRange As ShapeRange
    Set shRange = ActiveSelectionRange
    'Find Outlines and Cvert to Objects
    For Each sh In shRange
        If sh.Outline.Type = cdrOutline Then
            'sh.Selected = False
        End If
    Next sh
    'Find Null Shapes and Delete
    For Each sh In shRange
        If sh.Outline.Type = cdrNoOutline And sh.Fill.Type = cdrNoFill Then
        End If
    Next sh
End Sub

Center Shapes and Crop Document

Sub AutoCenterObject()
    Dim width As Double, height As Double
        ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch
        ' Add 0.05in margin
        width = ActiveShape.SizeWidth + 0.05
        height = ActiveShape.SizeHeight + 0.05
    ' Set current page size
    ActivePage.SetSize width, height
    ' Set default document page size
    ActiveDocument.Pages(0).SetSize width, height
    CorelScript.AlignToCenterOfPage 3, 3
End Sub

Convert to Curves, Ungroup All, Mirror, Set Outline Width & Color, Remove Fill

Sub CutnClean()
'By Luke Jackson 16.10.2007
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "CutnClean"
    'Unlock and Ungroup all objects
    'Copy fill color to outline
    Dim oColor As Color, sCount As Long, sShape As Shape
    sCount = ActivePage.Shapes.count
    Set sShape = ActivePage.Shapes.Item(2)
    If sCount > 2 And sShape.Fill.Type <> cdrNoFill Then
        Set oColor = sShape.Fill.UniformColor
        ActivePage.Shapes.All.SetOutlineProperties Color:=oColor
    End If
    'Convert text to curves
    'Group to prevent overlap
    'Mirror for cutting
    ActivePage.Shapes.All.Flip cdrFlipHorizontal
    'Set width to hairline, remove fill
    ActivePage.Shapes.All.SetOutlineProperties width:=0.003
    'Clear group and selection
End Sub

Unlock And Delete Locked Objects

Sub KillnWeld()
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "KillnWeld"
    Dim sr As New ShapeRange
    'Make Clean
    'Check all the shapes on the current Page
    KillnWeldExecute ActivePage.Shapes, sr
    'Report back what was found from search
    If sr.count > 0 Then
        MsgBox "Welded " & sr.count & " shapes! (Computer 1 - Dave 0)", , "KillnWeld"
        MsgBox "No Shapes Found.", , "KillnWeld"
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub KillnWeldExecute(ss As Shapes, sr As ShapeRange)
    Dim s As Shape, cFill As New Color
    For Each s In ss
            'If shape is locked unlock it.
        If s.Locked = True Then
            MsgBox "Please cleanup shapes first!", , "KillnWeldExecute"
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf s.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
                'Null group name
            s.Name = ""
                'If a group is found loop all shapes in the group
            KillnWeldExecute s.Shapes, sr
                'If shape is text and has fill weld it.
            If s.Type = cdrTextShape And s.Fill.Type <> cdrNoFill Then
                Set s = s.Weld(s, False, False)
                sr.Add s
            End If
        End If
    Next s
End Sub

Create Text

Sub Start()
    If ActivePage.Name = "Page 1" Then
        ' Create Page Number Text Shape
        Dim p_text As Shape
        Dim c_page As String
        ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch
        c_page = ActivePage.Name
        Set p_text = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(16, 21, c_page, cdrEnglishUS, cdrCharSetDefault, Arial, 40)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub okPages_Click()
    If IsNumeric(t_pages.Value) And t_pages.Value > 1 Then
        MsgBox "You messed me up!", vbOKOnly, "Something is amuck!"
    End If
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub IPageNumber2()
    ' Create Page Number Text
    Dim p_text As Shape
    Dim c_page As String
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch
    c_page = "Page 1 of " + t_pages.Value
    Set p_text = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(16, 21, c_page, cdrEnglishUS, cdrCharSetDefault, Arial, 40)
End Sub


Sub AutoAnSPage()
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "AutoAnSPage"
    Dim CurSelection As ShapeRange
    Set CurSelection = ActiveSelectionRange

    If CurSelection.count > 0 Then
        'Align and Space Selected Objects
        CurSelection.AlignToPage cdrAlignLeft + cdrAlignTop, cdrTextAlignBoundingBox
        CurSelection.Move 0.2, -0.2
        'If priority text exists make it the first shape, convert it to curves, and select it.
        If CurSelection.Shapes.First.Type = cdrGroupShape Then CurSelection.Ungroup
        If CurSelection.Shapes.First.Type = cdrTextShape Then
        End If
        MsgBox "Please select 1 or more object(s).", , "AutoAnSPage"
    End If
End Sub


Assign to key commands for quick rotation of selection.

Sub QRotate90()
    ActiveSelection.Rotate (90)
End Sub

Sub QRotate45()
    ActiveSelection.Rotate (45)
End Sub

Find Shapes Base

Sub FindShapesNoFillandOutline()
    Dim response As Long
    Dim sr As New ShapeRange
    'Check all the shape on the current Page
    FindShapesNoFillandOutlineSub ActivePage.Shapes, sr
    'Report back what was found from search
    If sr.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
        response = MsgBox("Number of shape to be deleted: " & sr.Count, vbYesNo, "Delete Shapes")
        If response = vbYes Then sr.Delete
        MsgBox "No Shapes Found."
    End If
End Sub

Sub FindShapesNoFillandOutlineSub(ss As Shapes, sr As ShapeRange)
    Dim s As Shape
    For Each s In ss
        If s.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
            'If a group is found loop all shapes in the group
            FindShapesNoFillandOutlineSub s.Shapes, sr
            'If shape has no fill and no outline add to shaperange
            If s.Fill.Type = cdrNoFill And s.Outline.Type = cdrNoOutline Then sr.add s
        End If
    Next s
End Sub

See Also


Visual Basic Script, VBA, Visual Basic Macro, Corel Draw
