BreadCrumbs: Special:Recentchanges : Excel


From Luke Jackson

Revision as of 01:17, 5 October 2008; Ljackson (Talk | contribs)
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Windows XP

Count Unique Names / Numbers

The entire formula is as follows (replace C3:C25 with the range of data you want the formula to check)

=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(C3:C25)>0,MATCH(C3:C25,C3:C25,0),""), IF(LEN(C3:C25)>0,MATCH(C3:C25,C3:C25,0),""))>0,1))

If you just want to count unique numbers, and not text, use the following formula instead:

=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(C3:C25, C3:C25)>0,1)) 

Conditional Formating "At Change In Value"

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

  Dim C As Variant
  Dim Clast As Variant
  Dim CI As Integer
  Dim ColS As Variant
  Dim ColE As Variant
  Dim FirstRow As Long
  Dim LastRow As Long
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim Wks As Worksheet
  Dim Color As Boolean
  Dim Total As Long
  If Target.Row > 0 Then
        ColS = "A"
        ColE = "L"
        FirstRow = 2   'Assumes header row is row 1
        Set Wks = Worksheets("Scoreboard")
        'LastRow = Wks.Cells(Rows.Count, ColS).End(xlUp).Row
        LastRow = Target.Row
        LastRow = IIf(LastRow < FirstRow, FirstRow, LastRow)
      Set Rng = Wks.Range(Cells(FirstRow, ColS), Cells(LastRow, ColS))
        For Each C In Rng
          If IsDate(C) Then
            If Clast = "" Then
                CI = 50
                Clast = C
                'MsgBox "Start " & C & " - " & Clast
            ElseIf C <> Clast And Color = False Then
                CI = xlColorIndexNone
                Color = True
                'MsgBox "CF CNE " & C & "<>" & Clast
                Clast = C
            ElseIf C <> Clast And Color = True Then
                CI = 50
                Color = False
                'MsgBox "CT CNE " & C & "<>" & Clast
                Clast = C
            ElseIf C = Clast And Color = False Then
                CI = 50
                'MsgBox "CF CE " & C & "=" & Clast
                Clast = C
            ElseIf C = Clast And Color = True Then
                CI = xlColorIndexNone
                'MsgBox "CT CE " & C & "=" & Clast
                Clast = C
                CI = xlColorIndexNone
                MsgBox "Else " & C
            End If
            If CI > 0 Then
                With Range(Cells(C.Row, ColS), Cells(C.Row, ColE)).Interior
                    .Pattern = xlSolid
                    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                    .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent3
                    .TintAndShade = 0.599993896298105
                    .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                End With
                With Range(Cells(C.Row, ColS), Cells(C.Row, ColE)).Interior
                    .Pattern = xlNone
                    .TintAndShade = 0
                    .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                End With
            End If
          End If
          Total = Total + 1
        Next C
        'MsgBox Total
    End If
End Sub



Date Filters Not Available for Pivot Table / Chart

Date Filters are not supported in Excel 2003 compatibility mode.

Re-save document in Excel 2007 format and the options will no longer be greyed out.

Mac OS X

File Not Found

When starting Microsoft Excel 2004 for Mac OS X you may get the error "File Not Found".

First place to check is the Excel Startup folder:

ljackson 14:46:50 ~/Library/Preferences> cd /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ 2004/Office/Startup/
ljackson 14:47:33 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup> ll
drwxrwxr-x   4 ljackson  admin  136B May  3 14:39 Excel
drwxrwxr-x   2 ljackson  admin  68B Apr  8  2004 PowerPoint
drwxrwxr-x   2 ljackson  admin  68B Apr  8  2004 Word
ljackson 14:47:33 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup> cd Excel/
ljackson 14:47:37 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Excel> ll
total 96
-rw-r--r--   1 ljackson  admin    25K May  3 14:15 8DAE9700
-rw-r--r--   1 ljackson  admin    16K May  3 14:39 Personal Macro Workbook

In my case the alphanumerical file was generated when Excel crashed. So I will delete it:

ljackson 14:47:38 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Excel> rm -f 8DAE9700 
ljackson 14:47:53 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Startup/Excel> ll
total 40
-rw-r--r--   1 ljackson  admin    16K May  3 14:39 Personal Macro Workbook

Now I don't get the anoying error "File Not Found" every time I launch Excel.

VBA Macros

Sub RangeDateFix()
    Dim ndate As String
    For Each c In ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Cells
        ndate = USdateEU(c.Value)
        c.Value = ndate
End Sub

Public Function USdateEU(ByVal tdate As String)
    Dim txt As String, ftxt As String, x As Variant, i As Long
    txt = tdate
    x = Split(txt, "/")
    'For i = 0 To UBound(x)
       'MsgBox x(i)
    'Next i
    ftxt = x(1) & "/" & x(0) & "/" & x(2)
    USdateEU = ftxt
    'MsgBox ftxt
End Function

Public Function Split(ByVal sInput As String, _
Optional ByVal sDelimiter As String, _
Optional ByVal nLimit As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bCompare As Integer = vbBinaryCompare _
) As Variant
Dim nCount As Long
Dim nPos As Long
Dim nDelimiterLength As Long
Dim nStart As Long
Dim sOutput() As String
If nLimit = 0 Then
    Split = Array()
    nDelimiterLength = Len(sDelimiter)
    If nDelimiterLength = 0 Then
        Split = Array(sInput)
        nStart = 1
        nPos = InStr(nStart, sInput, sDelimiter, bCompare)
    Do While nPos
    ReDim Preserve sOutput(0 To nCount) As String
        If nCount + 1 = nLimit Then
            sOutput(nCount) = Mid(sInput, nStart)
            Exit Do
            sOutput(nCount) = Mid(sInput, nStart, nPos - nStart)
            nStart = nPos + nDelimiterLength
        End If
    nCount = nCount + 1
    nPos = InStr(nStart, sInput, sDelimiter, bCompare)
    ReDim Preserve sOutput(0 To nCount) As String
    sOutput(nCount) = Mid(sInput, nStart)
    Split = sOutput
    End If
End If
End Function
