BreadCrumbs: EPS Optimization

EPS Optimization

From Luke Jackson

Revision as of 21:29, 16 April 2007; Ljackson (Talk | contribs)
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An open source command line based solution for cleaning up eps files and much more.

Conversion Methods

"C:\gs\gs8.56\bin\GSWin32c" -sDEVICE=epswrite -r72 -sOutputFile="C:\TEST\D\1628730_303135_speakeps_2.EPS" -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop "C:\TEST\2\1628730_303135_speakeps_2.eps" -c quit

EPSwrite Device

The epswrite device outputs encapsulated postscript. Options

   -dLanguageLevel=1 | 1.5 | 2 | 3 (default is 2)
       Set the language level of the generated file. Language level 1.5 is language level 1 with color extensions. Currently language level 3 generates the same PostScript as 2.

EPS parameters


   Crop an EPS file to the bounding box. This is useful when converting an EPS file to a bitmap. 


   Resize an EPS file to fit the page. This is useful for enlarging an EPS file to fit the paper size when printing. 


   Prevent special processing of EPS files. This is useful when EPS files have incorrect Document Structuring Convention comments.

Sources GhostScript GUI pstoedit epstool Extended EPS Information

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