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From Luke Jackson

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There is no built-in Graphical User Interface (GUI) client for scp on Mac OS X.

There for this tutorial demonstrates how to configure your Mac for GUI based scp.


  1. Mac OS X 10.4.X
  2. Built-in Terminal Application
  3. SSH-Agent GUI Client - Download
  4. Fugu GUI SCP Client - Download


Please follow the steps below.

Generate Key-Pair

You must create a key-pair in order to access the server you can do this via the Terminal Application that is found under Applications => Utilities (Programme => Dienstprogramme).

Once you start the Terminal you should see a prompt similar to the one below:

ljackson-PowerBook:~ ljackson$

The important data is directly after the : ~ this is your working directory and this will change depending on you current location on the disk.

So now we will test to see if the folder .ssh exists on your system:

cd .ssh

If you receive a response like below you will have to create the folder with the command below. If your working path has changed to ~/.ssh then the folder already exists and you can continue with the next step.

-bash: cd: .ssh: No such file or directory
mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh

Your prompt should now read ~/.ssh and you are ready to create your key-pair.

Type the command below to start the ssh-keygen script:

ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024